Virgin Olive Oil 500ml
Virgin Olive Oil 500ml
From Les Terres de Damoul
A distinctive, rich flavour, unfiltered, Les Terres de Damoul olive oil is a Green elixir, with unparalleled texture. Our trees, organic and unspoiled by pesticides or herbicides, with goats roaming free and grazing around it. Our oil carries an influence of citrus, as the olive trees are surrounded by orange and lemon trees, acres upon acres of thriving land where permaculture practices and the love of the earth prevail.
Les Terres de Damoul, proudly offers this olive oil, presenting a unique, robust taste, unrefined to preserve its essence. It stands as a verdant potion, boasting a velvety consistency like no other. Cultivated in our organic groves, untouched by pesticides or herbicides, it preserves the natural ecosystem. Infused with hints of citrus from neighboring orange and lemon trees, this oil embodies the vibrant spirit of our thriving permaculture farm, nurtured with a deep reverence for the land and profound respect for the old agricultural ways.